Source code for qiskit_ionq.ionq_client

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
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# Copyright 2020 IonQ, Inc. (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Basic API Client for IonQ's REST API"""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from warnings import warn
import requests

from . import exceptions
from .helpers import qiskit_to_ionq, get_user_agent, retry
from .exceptions import IonQRetriableError

    from .ionq_job import IonQJob

[docs] class IonQClient: """IonQ API Client Attributes: _url(str): A URL base to use for API calls, e.g. ``""`` _token(str): An API Access Token to use with the IonQ API. _custom_headers(dict): Extra headers to add to the request. """ def __init__( self, token: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, custom_headers: Optional[dict] = None, ): self._token = token self._custom_headers = custom_headers or {} # strip trailing slashes from our base URL. if url and url.endswith("/"): url = url[:-1] self._url = url self._user_agent = get_user_agent() @property def api_headers(self) -> dict: """API Headers needed to make calls to the REST API. Returns: dict[str, str]: A dict of :class:`requests.Request` headers. """ return { **self._custom_headers, "Authorization": f"apiKey {self._token}", "Content-Type": "application/json", "User-Agent": self._user_agent, }
[docs] def make_path(self, *parts: str) -> str: """Make a "/"-delimited path, then append it to :attr:`_url`. Returns: str: A URL to use for an API call. """ return f"{self._url}/{'/'.join(parts)}"
def _get_with_retry(self, req_path, params=None, headers=None, timeout=30): """Make a GET request with retry logic and exception handling. Args: req_path (str): The URL path to make the request to. params (dict, optional): Parameters to include in the request. headers (dict, optional): Headers to include in the request. timeout (int, optional): Timeout for the request. Raises: IonQRetriableError: When a retriable error occurs during the request. Returns: Response: A requests.Response object. """ try: res = requests.get( req_path, params=params, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as req_exc: raise IonQRetriableError(req_exc) from req_exc return res
[docs] @retry(exceptions=IonQRetriableError, tries=5) def submit_job(self, job: IonQJob) -> dict: """Submit job to IonQ API This returns a JSON dict with status "submitted" and the job's id. Args: job (IonQJob): The IonQ Job instance to submit to the API. Raises: IonQAPIError: When the API returns a non-200 status code. Returns: dict: A :mod:`requests <requests>` response :meth:`json <requests.Response.json>` dict. """ as_json = qiskit_to_ionq( job.circuit, job.backend(), job._passed_args, job.extra_query_params, job.extra_metadata, ) req_path = self.make_path("jobs") res = req_path, data=as_json, headers=self.api_headers, timeout=30, ) exceptions.IonQAPIError.raise_for_status(res) return res.json()
[docs] @retry(exceptions=IonQRetriableError, max_delay=60, backoff=2, jitter=1) def retrieve_job(self, job_id: str) -> dict: """Retrieve job information from the IonQ API. The returned JSON dict will only have data if job has completed. Args: job_id (str): The ID of a job to retrieve. Raises: IonQAPIError: When the API returns a non-200 status code. IonQRetriableError: When a retriable error occurs during the request. Returns: dict: A :mod:`requests <requests>` response :meth:`json <requests.Response.json>` dict. """ req_path = self.make_path("jobs", job_id) res = self._get_with_retry(req_path, headers=self.api_headers) exceptions.IonQAPIError.raise_for_status(res) return res.json()
[docs] @retry(exceptions=IonQRetriableError, tries=5) def cancel_job(self, job_id: str) -> dict: """Attempt to cancel a job which has not yet run. .. NOTE:: If the job has already reached status "completed", this cancel action is a no-op. Args: job_id (str): The ID of the job to cancel. Raises: IonQAPIError: When the API returns a non-200 status code. Returns: dict: A :mod:`requests <requests>` response :meth:`json <requests.Response.json>` dict. """ req_path = self.make_path("jobs", job_id, "status", "cancel") res = requests.put(req_path, headers=self.api_headers, timeout=30) exceptions.IonQAPIError.raise_for_status(res) return res.json()
[docs] def cancel_jobs(self, job_ids: list[str]) -> list[dict]: """Cancel multiple jobs at once. Args: job_ids (list): A list of job IDs to cancel. Returns: list: A list of :meth:`cancel_job <cancel_job>` responses. """ return [self.cancel_job(job_id) for job_id in job_ids]
[docs] @retry(exceptions=IonQRetriableError, tries=3) def delete_job(self, job_id: str) -> dict: """Delete a job and associated data. Args: job_id (str): The ID of the job to delete. Raises: IonQAPIError: When the API returns a non-200 status code. Returns: dict: A :mod:`requests <requests>` response :meth:`json <requests.Response.json>` dict. """ req_path = self.make_path("jobs", job_id) res = requests.delete(req_path, headers=self.api_headers, timeout=30) exceptions.IonQAPIError.raise_for_status(res) return res.json()
[docs] @retry(exceptions=IonQRetriableError, max_delay=60, backoff=2, jitter=1) def get_calibration_data(self, backend_name: str) -> dict: """Retrieve calibration data for a specified backend. Args: backend_name (str): The IonQ backend to fetch data for. Raises: IonQAPIError: When the API returns a non-200 status code. IonQRetriableError: When a retriable error occurs during the request. Returns: dict: A dictionary of an IonQ backend's calibration data. """ req_path = self.make_path( "/".join(["characterizations/backends", backend_name[5:], "current"]) ) res = self._get_with_retry(req_path, headers=self.api_headers) exceptions.IonQAPIError.raise_for_status(res) return res.json()
[docs] @retry(exceptions=IonQRetriableError, max_delay=60, backoff=2, jitter=1) def get_results( self, job_id: str, sharpen: Optional[bool] = None, extra_query_params: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> dict: """Retrieve job results from the IonQ API. The returned JSON dict will only have data if job has completed. Args: job_id (str): The ID of a job to retrieve. sharpen (bool): Supported if the job is debiased, allows you to filter out physical qubit bias from the results. extra_query_params (dict): Specify any parameters to include in the request Raises: IonQAPIError: When the API returns a non-200 status code. IonQRetriableError: When a retriable error occurs during the request. Returns: dict: A :mod:`requests <requests>` response :meth:`json <requests.Response.json>` dict. """ params = {} if sharpen is not None: params["sharpen"] = sharpen if extra_query_params is not None: warn( ( f"The parameter(s): {extra_query_params} is not checked by default " "but will be submitted in the request." ) ) params.update(extra_query_params) req_path = self.make_path("jobs", job_id, "results") res = self._get_with_retry(req_path, headers=self.api_headers, params=params) exceptions.IonQAPIError.raise_for_status(res) # Use json.loads with object_pairs_hook to maintain order of JSON keys return json.loads(res.text, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
__all__ = ["IonQClient"]