Source code for qiskit_dynamics.solvers.solver_functions

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-member,attribute-defined-outside-init

Solver functions.

from typing import Optional, Union, Callable, Tuple, List, TypeVar
from warnings import warn

from scipy.integrate import OdeSolver

from scipy.integrate._ivp.ivp import OdeResult  # pylint: disable=unused-import

from qiskit import QiskitError
from qiskit_dynamics.array import Array

from qiskit_dynamics.models import (
from qiskit_dynamics.models.hamiltonian_model import HamiltonianModel

from .solver_utils import is_lindblad_model_not_vectorized
from .fixed_step_solvers import (
from .scipy_solve_ivp import scipy_solve_ivp, SOLVE_IVP_METHODS
from .jax_odeint import jax_odeint
from .diffrax_solver import diffrax_solver

    ["RK45", "RK23", "BDF", "DOP853", "Radau", "LSODA"]  # scipy solvers
    + ["RK4"]  # fixed step solvers
    + ["jax_odeint", "jax_RK4"]  # jax solvers

# diffrax solver type placeholder
DiffraxAbstractSolver = TypeVar("AbstractSolver")

def _is_jax_method(method: any) -> bool:
    """Check if method is a jax solver method."""
    if method in [
        return True

    # only other jax methods are diffrax methods
    return _is_diffrax_method(method)

def _is_diffrax_method(method: any) -> bool:
    """Check if method is a diffrax method."""
        from diffrax.solver import AbstractSolver

        return isinstance(method, AbstractSolver)
    except ImportError:
        return False

def _lanczos_validation(
    rhs: Union[Callable, BaseGeneratorModel],
    t_span: Array,
    y0: Array,
    k_dim: int,
    """Validation checks to run lanczos based solvers."""
    if isinstance(rhs, BaseGeneratorModel):
        if not isinstance(rhs, HamiltonianModel):
            raise QiskitError(
                """Lanczos solver can only be used for HamiltonianModel or function-based
                    anti-Hermitian generators."""
        if "sparse" not in rhs.evaluation_mode:
                """lanczos_diag should be used with a generator in sparse mode
                for better performance.""",

    dim = rhs(t_span[0]).shape[0]
    if k_dim > dim:
        raise QiskitError("k_dim can be no larger than the dimension of the generator.")

    if y0.ndim not in [1, 2]:
        raise QiskitError("y0 must be 1d or 2d.")

[docs] def solve_ode( rhs: Union[Callable, BaseGeneratorModel], t_span: Array, y0: Array, method: Optional[Union[str, OdeSolver, DiffraxAbstractSolver]] = "DOP853", t_eval: Optional[Union[Tuple, List, Array]] = None, **kwargs, ): r"""General interface for solving Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). ODEs are differential equations of the form .. math:: \dot{y}(t) = f(t, y(t)), where :math:`f` is a callable function and the state :math:`y(t)` is an arbitrarily-shaped complex :class:`Array`. The ``method`` argument exposes a variety of underlying ODE solvers. Optional arguments for any of the solver routines can be passed via ``kwargs``. Available methods are: - ``scipy.integrate.solve_ivp`` - supports methods ``['RK45', 'RK23', 'BDF', 'DOP853', 'Radau', 'LSODA']`` or by passing a valid ``scipy`` :class:`OdeSolver` instance. - ``'RK4'``: A fixed-step 4th order Runge-Kutta solver. Requires additional kwarg ``max_dt``, indicating the maximum step size to take. This solver will break integration periods into even sub-intervals no larger than ``max_dt``, and step over each sub-interval using the standard 4th order Runge-Kutta integration rule. - ``'jax_RK4'``: JAX backend implementation of ``'RK4'`` method. - ``'jax_odeint'``: Calls ``jax.experimental.ode.odeint`` variable step solver. - ``diffrax.diffeqsolve`` - a JAX solver function, called by passing ``method`` as a valid ``diffrax.solver.AbstractSolver`` instance. Requires the ``diffrax`` library. Results are returned as a :class:`OdeResult` object. Args: rhs: RHS function :math:`f(t, y)`. t_span: ``Tuple`` or ``list`` of initial and final time. y0: State at initial time. method: Solving method to use. t_eval: Times at which to return the solution. Must lie within ``t_span``. If unspecified, the solution will be returned at the points in ``t_span``. **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the solver. Returns: OdeResult: Results object. Raises: QiskitError: If specified method does not exist. """ if method not in ODE_METHODS and not ( (isinstance(method, type) and (issubclass(method, OdeSolver))) or _is_diffrax_method(method) ): raise QiskitError("Method " + str(method) + " not supported by solve_ode.") y0 = Array(y0) if isinstance(rhs, BaseGeneratorModel): _, solver_rhs, y0, model_in_frame_basis = setup_generator_model_rhs_y0_in_frame_basis( rhs, y0 ) else: solver_rhs = rhs # solve the problem using specified method if method in SOLVE_IVP_METHODS or (isinstance(method, type) and issubclass(method, OdeSolver)): results = scipy_solve_ivp(solver_rhs, t_span, y0, method, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) elif isinstance(method, str) and method == "RK4": results = RK4_solver(solver_rhs, t_span, y0, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) elif isinstance(method, str) and method == "jax_RK4": results = jax_RK4_solver(solver_rhs, t_span, y0, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) elif isinstance(method, str) and method == "jax_odeint": results = jax_odeint(solver_rhs, t_span, y0, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) elif _is_diffrax_method(method): results = diffrax_solver(solver_rhs, t_span, y0, method=method, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) # convert results out of frame basis if necessary if isinstance(rhs, BaseGeneratorModel): if not model_in_frame_basis: results.y = results_y_out_of_frame_basis(rhs, Array(results.y), y0.ndim) # convert model back to original basis rhs.in_frame_basis = model_in_frame_basis return results
[docs] def solve_lmde( generator: Union[Callable, BaseGeneratorModel], t_span: Array, y0: Array, method: Optional[Union[str, OdeSolver, DiffraxAbstractSolver]] = "DOP853", t_eval: Optional[Union[Tuple, List, Array]] = None, **kwargs, ): r"""General interface for solving Linear Matrix Differential Equations (LMDEs) in standard form. LMDEs in standard form are differential equations of the form: .. math:: \dot{y}(t) = G(t)y(t). where :math:`G(t)` is a square matrix valued-function called the *generator*, and :math:`y(t)` is an :class:`Array` of appropriate shape. Thus function accepts :math:`G(t)` as a ``qiskit_dynamics`` model class, or as an arbitrary callable. .. note:: Not all model classes are by-default in standard form. E.g. :class:`~qiskit_dynamics.models.LindbladModel` represents an LMDE which is not typically written in standard form. As such, using LMDE-specific methods with this generator requires setting a vectorized evaluation mode. The ``method`` argument exposes solvers specialized to both LMDEs, as well as general ODE solvers. If the method is not specific to LMDEs, the problem will be passed to :meth:`~qiskit_dynamics.solve_ode` by automatically setting up the RHS function :math:`f(t, y) = G(t)y`. Optional arguments for any of the solver routines can be passed via ``kwargs``. Available LMDE-specific methods are: - ``'scipy_expm'``: A fixed-step matrix-exponential solver using ``scipy.linalg.expm``. Requires additional kwarg ``max_dt`` indicating the maximum step size to take. This solver will break integration periods into even sub-intervals no larger than ``max_dt`` and solve over each sub-interval. The optional kwarg ``magnus_order`` controls the integration rule: if ``magnus_order==1``, the generator is sampled at the interval midpoint and exponentiated, and if ``magnus_order==2`` or ``magnus_order==3``, higher-order exponentiation rules are adopted from :footcite:`blanes_magnus_2009`. The ``magnus_order`` parameter defaults to ``1``. - ``'lanczos_diag'``: A fixed-step matrix-exponential solver, similar to ``'scipy_expm'`` but restricted to anti-Hermitian generators. The matrix exponential is performed by diagonalizing an approximate projection of the generator to a small subspace (the Krylov Subspace), obtained via the Lanczos algorithm, and then exponentiating the eigenvalues. Requires additional kwargs ``max_dt`` and ``k_dim`` indicating the maximum step size to take and Krylov subspace dimension, respectively. ``k_dim`` acts as an adjustable accuracy parameter and can be no larger than the dimension of the generator. The method is recommended for sparse systems with large dimension. - ``'jax_lanczos_diag'``: JAX implementation of ``'lanczos_diag'``, with the same arguments and behaviour. Note that this method contains calls to ``jax.numpy.eigh``, which may have limited validity when automatically differentiated. - ``'jax_expm'``: JAX-implemented version of ``'scipy_expm'``, with the same arguments and behaviour. Note that this method cannot be used for a model in sparse evaluation mode. - ``'jax_expm_parallel'``: Same as ``'jax_expm'``, however all loops are implemented using parallel operations. I.e. all matrix-exponentials for taking a single step are computed in parallel using ``jax.vmap``, and are subsequently multiplied together in parallel using ``jax.lax.associative_scan``. This method is only recommended for use with GPU execution. Note that this method cannot be used for a model in sparse evaluation mode. - ``'jax_RK4_parallel'``: 4th order Runge-Kutta fixed step solver. Under the assumption of the structure of an LMDE, utilizes the same parallelization approach as ``'jax_expm_parallel'``, however the single step rule is the standard 4th order Runge-Kutta rule, rather than matrix-exponentiation. Requires and utilizes the ``max_dt`` kwarg in the same manner as ``method='scipy_expm'``. This method is only recommended for use with GPU execution. Results are returned as a :class:`OdeResult` object. Args: generator: Representation of generator function :math:`G(t)`. t_span: ``Tuple`` or `list` of initial and final time. y0: State at initial time. method: Solving method to use. t_eval: Times at which to return the solution. Must lie within ``t_span``. If unspecified, the solution will be returned at the points in ``t_span``. **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the solver. Returns: OdeResult: Results object. Raises: QiskitError: If specified method does not exist, if dimension of ``y0`` is incompatible with generator dimension, or if an LMDE-specific method is passed with a LindbladModel. Additional Information: While all :class:`~qiskit_dynamics.models.BaseGeneratorModel` subclasses represent LMDEs, they are not all in standard form by defualt. Using an LMDE-specific models like :class:`~qiskit_dynamics.models.LindbladModel` requires first setting a vectorized evaluation mode. """ # delegate to solve_ode if necessary if ( method in ODE_METHODS or (isinstance(method, type) and (issubclass(method, OdeSolver))) or _is_diffrax_method(method) ): if isinstance(generator, BaseGeneratorModel): rhs = generator else: # treat generator as a function def rhs(t, y): return generator(t) @ y return solve_ode(rhs, t_span, y0, method=method, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) # raise error if neither an ODE_METHOD or an LMDE_METHOD if method not in LMDE_METHODS: raise QiskitError(f"Method {method} not supported by solve_lmde.") # lmde-specific methods can't be used with LindbladModel unless vectorized if is_lindblad_model_not_vectorized(generator): raise QiskitError( """LMDE-specific methods with LindbladModel requires setting a vectorized evaluation mode.""" ) y0 = Array(y0) # setup generator and rhs functions to pass to numerical methods if isinstance(generator, BaseGeneratorModel): solver_generator, _, y0, model_in_frame_basis = setup_generator_model_rhs_y0_in_frame_basis( generator, y0 ) else: solver_generator = generator if method == "scipy_expm": results = scipy_expm_solver(solver_generator, t_span, y0, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) elif "lanczos_diag" in method: _lanczos_validation(generator, t_span, y0, kwargs["k_dim"]) if method == "lanczos_diag": results = lanczos_diag_solver(solver_generator, t_span, y0, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) elif method == "jax_lanczos_diag": results = jax_lanczos_diag_solver(solver_generator, t_span, y0, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) elif method == "jax_expm": if isinstance(generator, BaseGeneratorModel) and "sparse" in generator.evaluation_mode: raise QiskitError("jax_expm cannot be used with a generator in sparse mode.") results = jax_expm_solver(solver_generator, t_span, y0, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) elif method == "jax_expm_parallel": results = jax_expm_parallel_solver(solver_generator, t_span, y0, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) elif method == "jax_RK4_parallel": results = jax_RK4_parallel_solver(solver_generator, t_span, y0, t_eval=t_eval, **kwargs) # convert results to correct basis if necessary if isinstance(generator, BaseGeneratorModel): if not model_in_frame_basis: results.y = results_y_out_of_frame_basis(generator, Array(results.y), y0.ndim) generator.in_frame_basis = model_in_frame_basis return results
def setup_generator_model_rhs_y0_in_frame_basis( generator_model: BaseGeneratorModel, y0: Array ) -> Tuple[Callable, Callable, Array]: """Helper function for setting up a subclass of :class:`~qiskit_dynamics.models.BaseGeneratorModel` to be solved in the frame basis. Note: this function modifies ``generator_model`` to function in the frame basis. Args: generator_model: Subclass of :class:`~qiskit_dynamics.models.BaseGeneratorModel`. y0: Initial state. Returns: Callable for generator in frame basis, callable for RHS in frame basis, y0 in frame basis, and boolean indicating whether model was already specified in frame basis. """ model_in_frame_basis = generator_model.in_frame_basis # if model not specified in frame basis, transform initial state into frame basis if not model_in_frame_basis: if ( isinstance(generator_model, LindbladModel) and "vectorized" in generator_model.evaluation_mode ): if generator_model.rotating_frame.frame_basis is not None: y0 = generator_model.rotating_frame.vectorized_frame_basis_adjoint @ y0 elif isinstance(generator_model, LindbladModel): y0 = generator_model.rotating_frame.operator_into_frame_basis(y0) elif isinstance(generator_model, GeneratorModel): y0 = generator_model.rotating_frame.state_into_frame_basis(y0) # set model to operator in frame basis generator_model.in_frame_basis = True # define rhs functions in frame basis def generator(t): return generator_model(t) def rhs(t, y): return generator_model(t, y) return generator, rhs, y0, model_in_frame_basis def results_y_out_of_frame_basis( generator_model: BaseGeneratorModel, results_y: Array, y0_ndim: int ) -> Array: """Convert the results of a simulation for :class:`~qiskit_dynamics.models.BaseGeneratorModel` out of the frame basis. Args: generator_model: Subclass of :class:`~qiskit_dynamics.models.BaseGeneratorModel`. results_y: Array whose first index corresponds to the evaluation points of the state for the results of ``solve_lmde`` or ``solve_ode``. y0_ndim: Number of dimensions of initial state. Returns: Callable for generator in frame basis, Callable for RHS in frame basis, and y0 transformed to frame basis. """ # for left multiplication cases, if number of input dimensions is 1 # vectorized basis transformation requires transposing before and after if y0_ndim == 1: results_y = results_y.T if ( isinstance(generator_model, LindbladModel) and "vectorized" in generator_model.evaluation_mode ): if generator_model.rotating_frame.frame_basis is not None: results_y = generator_model.rotating_frame.vectorized_frame_basis @ results_y elif isinstance(generator_model, LindbladModel): results_y = generator_model.rotating_frame.operator_out_of_frame_basis(results_y) else: results_y = generator_model.rotating_frame.state_out_of_frame_basis(results_y) if y0_ndim == 1: results_y = results_y.T return results_y