Time-dependent perturbation theory and multi-variable series expansions review#
The perturbation
module contains functionality for
numerically computing perturbation theory expansions used in the study of the
dynamics of quantum systems. Following [1],
this discussion reviews key concepts required
to understand and utilize the module, including the Dyson series and Magnus expansion,
their generalization to a multi-variable setting, and the notation used to represent
multi-variable power series in terms of multisets.
The Dyson series and Magnus expansion#
The Dyson series [2] and Magnus expansion [3][4] are time-dependent perturbation theory expansions for solutions of linear matrix differential equations (LMDEs). For an LMDE
with \(U(0) = I\) the identity matrix, the Dyson series directly expands the solution:
The Magnus expansion alternatively seeks to construct a time-averaged generator, i.e. an operator \(\Omega(t)\) for which
The Magnus expansion provides a series expansion, which, under certain conditions [4], converges to \(\Omega(t)\):
where explicit expressions for the \(\Omega_k(t)\) are given in the literature [4].
Generalizing to the multi-variable case#
In applications, these expansions are often used in a multi-variable setting, in which the generator \(G(t)\) depends on several variables \(c_0, \dots, c_{r-1}\), and the Dyson series or Magnus expansion are used to understand how the evolution changes under perturbations to several of these parameters simultaneously. For working with these expansions algorithmically it is necessary to formalize the expression of these expansions in the multi-variable setting.
Mathematically, we explicitly write the generator as a function of these variables \(G(t, c_0, \dots, c_{r-1})\), and expand \(G\) in a multi-variable power series in the variables \(c_i\):
For physical applications we take the existence of such a power series for granted: up to constant factors, the coefficients \(G_{i_1, \dots, i_k}(t)\) are the partial derivatives of \(G\) with respect to the variables \(c_i\). Commonly, \(G\) depends linearly on the variables, e.g. when representing couplings between quantum systems.
Before defining the multi-variable Dyson series and Magnus expansions, we transform the generator into the toggling frame of \(G_\emptyset(t)\) [5][6]. Denoting
the generator \(G\) in the toggling frame of \(G_\emptyset(t)\), the unperturbed generator, is given by:
Denoting \(U(t, c_0, \dots, c_{r-1})\) as the solution of the LMDE with generator \(\tilde{G}\), note that
and hence solution for \(G\) and \(\tilde{G}\) are simply related by \(V(t)\).
Using this, [1] defines the multi-variable Dyson series for the generator \(\tilde{G}(t, c_0, \dots, c_{r-1})\) as:
where the \(\mathcal{D}_{i_1, \dots, i_k}(t)\) are defined implicitly by the above equation, and are called the multi-variable Dyson series terms. Similarly the multi-variable Magnus expansion for \(\tilde{G}\) is given as:
with the \(\mathcal{O}_{i_1, \dots, i_k}(t)\) again defined implicitly, and called the multi-variable Magnus expansion terms.
Computing multi-variable Dyson series and Magnus expansion terms#
Given a power series decomposition of the generator as above,
the function solve_lmde_perturbation()
in the toggling frame of the unperturbed generator, either multi-variable
Dyson series or Magnus expansion terms via the algorithms in
[1]. It can also be used to compute Dyson-like terms via
the algorithm in [7]. In the presentation here and elsewhere,
the expansions are phrased as infinite series, but of course in practice truncated
versions must be specified and computed.
Utilizing this function, and working with the other objects in the module, requires understanding the notation and data structures used to represent power series.
Multiset power series notation#
Following [1], the perturbation
module utilizes a multiset notation to more compactly represent and work with power series.
Consider the power series expansion above for the generator \(G(t, c_0, \dots, c_{r-1})\). Structurally, each term in the power series is labelled by the number of times each variable \(c_0, \dots, c_{r-1}\) appears in the product \(c_{i_1} \dots c_{i_k}\). Equivalently, each term may be indexed by the number of times each variable label \(0, \dots, r-1\) appears. The data structure used to represent these labels in this module is that of a multiset, i.e. a “set with repeated entries”. Denoting multisets with round brackets, e.g. \(I = (i_1, \dots, i_k)\), we define
and similarly denote \(G_I = G_{i_1, \dots, i_k}\). This notation is chosen due to the simple relationship between algebraic operations and multiset operations. E.g., for two multisets \(I, J\), it holds that:
where \(I + J\) denotes the multiset whose object counts are the sum of both \(I\) and \(J\).
Some example usages of this notation are:
\(c_{(0, 1)} = c_0 c_1\),
\(c_{(1, 1)} = c_1^2\), and
\(c_{(1, 2, 2, 3)} = c_1 c_2^2 c_3\).
Finally, we denote the set of multisets of size $k$ with elements in \(\{0, \dots, r-1\}\) as \(\mathcal{I}_k(r)\). Combining everything, the power series for \(G\) may be rewritten as:
Similarly, the multi-variable Dyson series is written as:
and the multi-variable Magnus expansion as:
In the module, multisets are represented using the Multiset
object in the
multiset package. Arguments to functions
which must specify a multiset or a list of multisets accept either Multiset
directly, or a valid argument to the constructor to Multiset
, with the restriction that
the multiset entries must be non-negative integers.