Source code for qiskit_dynamics.solvers.perturbative_solvers.dyson_solver

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Dyson series based solver.

from typing import Optional, List, Union

from scipy.integrate._ivp.ivp import OdeResult

from multiset import Multiset

from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator

from qiskit_dynamics import Signal, RotatingFrame
from qiskit_dynamics.array import Array

from .expansion_model import ExpansionModel
from .perturbative_solver import _PerturbativeSolver, _perturbative_solve, _perturbative_solve_jax

[docs] class DysonSolver(_PerturbativeSolver): r"""Solver for linear matrix differential equations based on the Dyson series. This class implements the Dyson-series based solver presented in [:footcite:`puzzuoli_sensitivity_2022`], which is a variant of the *Dysolve* algorithm originally introduced in [:footcite:p:`shillito_fast_2020`]. This solver applies to linear matrix differential equations with generators of the form: .. math:: G(t) = G_0 + \sum_{j=1}^s \textnormal{Re}[f_j(t) e^{i 2 \pi \nu_j t}]G_j, and solves the LMDE in the rotating frame of :math:`G_0`, which is assumed to be anti-Hermitian. I.e. it solves the LMDE with generator: .. math:: \tilde{G}(t) = \sum_{j=1}^s \textnormal{Re}[f_j(t) e^{i 2 \pi \nu_j t}]\tilde{G}_j(t), with :math:`\tilde{G}_i(t) = e^{-t G_0} G_i e^{tG_0}`. The solver is *fixed-step*, with step size :math:`\Delta t` being defined at instantiation, and solves over each step by computing a truncated Dyson series. See the :ref:`Time-dependent perturbation theory and multi-variable series expansions review <perturbation review>` for a description of the Dyson series. At instantiation, the following parameters, which define the structure of the Dyson series used, are fixed: - The step size :math:`\Delta t`, - The operator structure :math:`G_0`, :math:`G_i`, - The reference frequencies :math:`\nu_j`, - Approximation schemes for the envelopes :math:`f_j` over each time step (see below), and - The Dyson series terms to keep in the truncation. A 'compilation' or 'pre-computation' step computing the truncated expansion occurs at instantiation. Once instantiated, the LMDE can be solved repeatedly for different lists of envelopes :math:`f_1(t), \dots, f_s(t)` by calling the :meth:`solve` method with the initial time ``t0`` and number of time-steps ``n_steps`` of size :math:`\Delta t`. The list of envelopes are specified as :class:`~qiskit_dynamics.signals.Signal` objects, whose carrier frequencies are automatically shifted to the reference frequencies :math:`\nu_j`, with the frequency difference, and any phase, being absorbed into the envelope. More explicitly, the process of solving over an interval :math:`[t_0, t_0 + \Delta t]` is as follows. After shifting the carrier frequencies, the resulting envelopes are approximated using a discrete Chebyshev transform, whose orders for each signal is given by ``chebyshev_orders``. That is, for :math:`t \in [t_0, t_0 + \Delta t]`, each envelope is approximated as: .. math:: f_j(t) \approx \sum_{m=0}^{d_j} f_{j,m}T_m(t-t_0) where :math:`T_m(\cdot)` are the Chebyshev polynomials over the interval, :math:`f_{j,m}` are the approximation coefficients attained via Discrete Chebyshev Transform, and :math:`d_j` is the order of approximation used for the given envelope. Using: .. math:: \textnormal{Re}[f_{j,m}T_m(t-t_0)e^{i2 \pi \nu_j t}] = \textnormal{Re}[f_{j,m}e^{i 2 \pi \nu_j t_0}] \cos(2 \pi \nu_j (t-t_0))T_m(t-t_0) \\ + \textnormal{Im}[f_{j,m}e^{i 2 \pi \nu_j t_0}] \sin(-2 \pi \nu_j (t-t_0))T_m(t-t_0) The generator is approximately decomposed as .. math:: \tilde{G}(t) \approx \sum_{j=1}^s \sum_{m=0}^{d_j} \textnormal{Re}[f_{j,m}e^{i 2 \pi \nu_j t_0}] \cos(2 \pi \nu_j (t-t_0))T_m(t-t_0) \tilde{G}_j \\ + \sum_{j=1}^s \sum_{m=0}^{d_j} \textnormal{Im}[f_{j,m}e^{i 2 \pi \nu_j t_0}] \sin(- 2 \pi \nu_j (t-t_0))T_m(t-t_0) \tilde{G}_j The multivariable Dyson series is then computed relative to the above decomposition, with the variables being the :math:`\textnormal{Re}[f_{j,m}e^{i 2 \pi \nu_j t_0}]` and :math:`\textnormal{Im}[f_{j,m}e^{i 2 \pi \nu_j t_0}]`, and the operators being :math:`\cos(2 \pi \nu_j (t-t_0))T_m(t-t_0) G_j` and :math:`\sin(- 2 \pi \nu_j (t-t_0))T_m(t-t_0) G_j`. As shown in [:footcite:`puzzuoli_sensitivity_2022`, :footcite:p:`shillito_fast_2020`], the multivariable Dyson series for intervals of length :math:`\Delta t` with different starting times are related via a simple frame change, and as such these need only be computed once, and this makes up the 'pre-computation' step of this object. The optional argument ``include_imag`` can be used to control, on a signal by signal basis, whether or not the imaginary terms .. math:: \textnormal{Im}[f_{j,m}e^{i 2 \pi \nu_j t_0}] \sin(- 2 \pi \nu_j (t-t_0))T_m(t-t_0) \tilde{G}_j are included in the scheme. In generality they are required, but in special cases they are not necessary, such as when :math:`\nu_j = 0`, or if :math:`f_j(t)`, including phase, is purely real. By default all such terms are included. .. footbibliography:: """ def __init__( self, operators: List[Operator], rotating_frame: Union[Array, Operator, RotatingFrame, None], dt: float, carrier_freqs: Array, chebyshev_orders: List[int], expansion_order: Optional[int] = None, expansion_labels: Optional[List[Multiset]] = None, integration_method: Optional[str] = None, include_imag: Optional[List[bool]] = None, **kwargs, ): r"""Initialize. Args: operators: List of constant operators specifying the operators with signal coefficients. rotating_frame: Rotating frame to setup the solver in. Must be Hermitian or anti-Hermitian. dt: Fixed step size to compile to. carrier_freqs: Carrier frequencies of the signals in the generator decomposition. chebyshev_orders: Approximation degrees for each signal over the interval [0, dt]. expansion_order: Order of perturbation terms to compute up to. Specifying this argument results in computation of all terms up to the given order. Can be used in conjunction with ``expansion_terms``. expansion_labels: Specific perturbation terms to compute. If both ``expansion_order`` and ``expansion_terms`` are specified, then all terms up to ``expansion_order`` are computed, along with the additional terms specified in ``expansion_terms``. Labels are specified either as ``Multiset`` or as valid arguments to the ``Multiset`` constructor. This function further requires that ``Multiset``\s consist only of non-negative integers. integration_method: ODE solver method to use when computing perturbation terms. include_imag: List of bools determining whether to keep imaginary components in the signal approximation. Defaults to True for all signals. kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the solver when computing perturbation terms. """ model = ExpansionModel( operators=operators, rotating_frame=rotating_frame, dt=dt, carrier_freqs=carrier_freqs, chebyshev_orders=chebyshev_orders, expansion_method="dyson", expansion_order=expansion_order, expansion_labels=expansion_labels, integration_method=integration_method, include_imag=include_imag, **kwargs, ) super().__init__(model=model) def _solve(self, t0: float, n_steps: int, y0: Array, signals: List[Signal]) -> OdeResult: ys = None if Array.default_backend() == "jax": single_step = lambda x: self.model.evaluate(x).data ys = [y0, _perturbative_solve_jax(single_step, self.model, signals, y0, t0, n_steps)] else: single_step = lambda coeffs, y: self.model.evaluate(coeffs) @ y ys = [y0, _perturbative_solve(single_step, self.model, signals, y0, t0, n_steps)] return OdeResult(t=[t0, t0 + n_steps * self.model.dt], y=ys)