# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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Pulse schedule to Signals converter.
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional
import functools
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
from qiskit.pulse import (
from qiskit.pulse.exceptions import PulseError
from qiskit.pulse.library import SymbolicPulse
from qiskit import QiskitError
from qiskit_dynamics.array import Array
from qiskit_dynamics.signals import DiscreteSignal
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
except ImportError:
class InstructionToSignals:
"""Converts pulse instructions to signals to be used in models.
The :class:`InstructionsToSignals` class converts a pulse schedule to a list of signals that can
be given to a model. This conversion is done by calling the :meth:`get_signals` method on a
schedule. The converter applies to instances of :class:`~qiskit.pulse.Schedule`. Instances of
:class:`~qiskit.pulse.ScheduleBlock` must first be converted to :class:`~qiskit.pulse.Schedule`
using the :func:`~qiskit.pulse.transforms.block_to_schedule` function in Qiskit Pulse.
The converter can be initialized with the optional arguments ``carriers`` and ``channels``. When
``channels`` is given, only the signals specified by name in ``channels`` are returned. The
``carriers`` dictionary specifies the analog carrier frequency of each channel. Here, the keys
are the channel name, e.g. ``d12`` for drive channel number ``12``, and the values are the
corresponding frequency. If a channel is not present in ``carriers`` it is assumed that the
analog carrier frequency is zero.
See the :meth:`get_signals` method documentation for a detailed description of how pulse
schedules are interpreted and translated into :class:`.DiscreteSignal` objects.
def __init__(
dt: float,
carriers: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
channels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
"""Initialize pulse schedule to signals converter.
dt: Length of the samples. This is required by the converter as pulse schedule are
specified in units of dt and typically do not carry the value of dt with them.
carriers: A dict of analog carrier frequencies. The keys are the names of the channels
and the values are the corresponding carrier frequency.
channels: A list of channels that the :meth:`get_signals` method should return. This
argument will cause :meth:`get_signals` to return the signals in the same order as
the channels. Channels present in the schedule but absent from channels will not be
included in the returned object. If None is given (the default) then all channels
present in the pulse schedule are returned.
self._dt = dt
self._channels = channels
self._carriers = carriers or {}
def get_signals(self, schedule: Schedule) -> List[DiscreteSignal]:
r"""Convert a schedule to a corresponding list of DiscreteSignal instances.
Which channels are converted, and the order they are returned, is controlled by the
``channels`` argument at instantiation. The ``carriers`` instantiation argument sets the
analog carrier frequency for each channel, which is fixed for the full duration. For a given
channel, the :math:`k^{th}` envelope sample for the corresponding :class:`.DiscreteSignal`
is determined according to the following formula:
.. math::
f(k) \exp(i(2\pi \Delta\nu(k) k dt + \phi(k) + 2 \pi \phi_a(k))),
* :math:`f(k)` is the waveform value at the :math:`k^{th}` time step as specified by
``Play`` instructions.
* :math:`\Delta\nu(k)` is the frequency deviation at time step :math:`k` from the analog
carrier as the result of ``SetFrequency`` and ``ShiftFrequency`` instructions. As evident
by the formula, carrier frequency deviations as a result of these instructions are handled
digitally, with the analog carrier frequency being fixed for the entirety of the schedule.
* :math:`dt` is the sample rate as specified by the ``dt`` instantiation argument.
* :math:`\phi(k)` is the channel phase at time step :math:`k`, as determined by
``ShiftPhase`` and ``SetPhase`` instructions.
* :math:`\phi_a(k)` is the phase correction term at time step :math:`k`, impacted by
``SetFrequency`` and ``ShiftFrequency`` instructions, described below.
In detail, the sample array for the output signal for each channel is generated by iterating
over each instruction in the schedule in temporal order. New samples are appended with every
``Play`` instruction on the given channel, using the waveform values and the current value
of the tracked parameters :math:`\Delta\nu`, :math:`\phi`, and :math:`\phi_a`, which are
initialized to :math:`0`. Explicitly, each instruction is interpreted as follows:
* ``Play`` instructions add new samples to the sample array, according to the above formula,
using the waveform specified in the instruction and the current values of
:math:`\Delta\nu`, :math:`\phi`, and :math:`\phi_a`.
* ``ShiftPhase``, with a phase value :math:`\psi`, updates :math:`\phi \mapsto \phi + \psi`.
* ``SetPhase``, with a phase value :math:`\psi`, updates :math:`\phi \mapsto \psi`.
* ``ShiftFrequency``, with a frequency value :math:`\mu` at time-step :math:`k`, updates
:math:`\phi_a \mapsto \phi_a - \mu k dt` and :math:`\Delta\nu \mapsto \Delta\nu + \mu`.
The simultaneous shifting of both :math:`\Delta\nu` and :math:`\phi_a` ensures that the
carrier wave, as a combination of the analog and digital components, is continuous across
``ShiftFrequency`` instructions (up to the sampling rate :math:`dt`).
* ``SetFrequency``, with a frequency value :math:`\mu` at time-step :math:`k`, updates
:math:`\phi_a \mapsto \phi_a - (\mu - (\Delta\nu + \nu)) k dt` and
:math:`\Delta\nu \mapsto \mu - \nu`, where :math:`\nu` is the analog carrier frequency.
Similarly to ``ShiftFrequency``, the shift rule for :math:`\phi_a` is defined to maintain
carrier wave continuity.
If, at any sample point :math:`k`, :math:`\Delta\nu(k)` is larger than the Nyquist sampling
rate given by ``dt``, a warning will be raised.
schedule: The schedule to represent in terms of signals. Instances of
:class:`~qiskit.pulse.ScheduleBlock` must first be converted to
:class:`~qiskit.pulse.Schedule` using the
:func:`~qiskit.pulse.transforms.block_to_schedule` function in Qiskit Pulse.
A list of :class:`.DiscreteSignal` instances.
signals, phases, frequency_shifts, phase_accumulations = {}, {}, {}, {}
if self._channels is not None:
schedule = schedule.filter(channels=[self._get_channel(ch) for ch in self._channels])
for chan in schedule.channels:
phases[chan.name] = 0.0
frequency_shifts[chan.name] = 0.0
phase_accumulations[chan.name] = 0.0
carrier_freq = self._carriers.get(chan.name, 0.0)
signals[chan.name] = DiscreteSignal(
for start_sample, inst in schedule.instructions:
# get channel name if instruction has it
chan = inst.channel.name if hasattr(inst, "channel") else None
if isinstance(inst, Play):
# get the instruction samples
inst_samples = None
if isinstance(inst.pulse, Waveform):
inst_samples = inst.pulse.samples
inst_samples = get_samples(inst.pulse)
# build sample array to append to signal
times = self._dt * (start_sample + np.arange(len(inst_samples)))
samples = inst_samples * np.exp(
2.0j * np.pi * frequency_shifts[chan] * times
+ 1.0j * phases[chan]
+ 2.0j * np.pi * phase_accumulations[chan]
signals[chan].add_samples(start_sample, samples)
if isinstance(inst, ShiftPhase):
phases[chan] += inst.phase
if isinstance(inst, SetPhase):
phases[chan] = inst.phase
if isinstance(inst, ShiftFrequency):
frequency_shifts[chan] = frequency_shifts[chan] + Array(inst.frequency)
phase_accumulations[chan] = (
phase_accumulations[chan] - inst.frequency * start_sample * self._dt
_nyquist_warn(frequency_shifts[chan], self._dt, chan)
if isinstance(inst, SetFrequency):
phase_accumulations[chan] = phase_accumulations[chan] - (
(inst.frequency - (frequency_shifts[chan] + signals[chan].carrier_freq))
* start_sample
* self._dt
frequency_shifts[chan] = inst.frequency - signals[chan].carrier_freq
_nyquist_warn(frequency_shifts[chan], self._dt, chan)
# ensure all signals have the same number of samples
max_duration = 0
for sig in signals.values():
max_duration = max(max_duration, sig.duration)
for sig in signals.values():
if sig.duration < max_duration:
samples=np.zeros(max_duration - sig.duration, dtype=complex),
# filter the channels
if self._channels is None:
return list(signals.values())
return_signals = []
for chan_name in self._channels:
signal = signals.get(
chan_name, DiscreteSignal(samples=[], dt=self._dt, name=chan_name, carrier_freq=0.0)
return return_signals
def get_awg_signals(
signals: List[DiscreteSignal], if_modulation: float
) -> List[DiscreteSignal]:
Create signals that correspond to the output ports of an Arbitrary Waveform Generator
to be used with IQ mixers. For each signal in the list the number of signals is double
to create the I and Q components. The I and Q signals represent the real and imaginary
parts, respectively, of
.. math::
\Omega(t) e^{i \omega_{if} t}
where :math:`\Omega` is the complex-valued pulse envelope and :math:`\omega_{if}` is the
intermediate frequency.
signals: A list of signals for which to create I and Q.
if_modulation: The intermediate frequency with which the AWG modulates the pulse
iq signals: A list of signals which is twice as long as the input list of signals.
For each input signal get_awg_signals returns two
new_signals = []
for sig in signals:
new_freq = sig.carrier_freq + if_modulation
samples_i = sig.samples
samples_q = np.imag(samples_i) - 1.0j * np.real(samples_i)
sig_i = DiscreteSignal(
sig.name + "_i",
sig_q = DiscreteSignal(
sig.name + "_q",
new_signals += [sig_i, sig_q]
return new_signals
def _get_channel(self, channel_name: str):
"""Return the channel corresponding to the given name."""
prefix = channel_name[0]
index = int(channel_name[1:])
if prefix == "d":
return DriveChannel(index)
if prefix == "m":
return MeasureChannel(index)
if prefix == "u":
return ControlChannel(index)
if prefix == "a":
return AcquireChannel(index)
raise QiskitError(
f"Unsupported channel name {channel_name} in {self.__class__.__name__}"
except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError) as error:
raise QiskitError(
f"Invalid channel name {channel_name} given to {self.__class__.__name__}."
) from error
def get_samples(pulse: SymbolicPulse) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return samples filled according to the formula that the pulse
represents and the parameter values it contains.
pulse: SymbolicPulse class.
Samples of the pulse.
PulseError: When parameters are not assigned.
PulseError: When expression for pulse envelope is not assigned.
PulseError: When a free symbol value is not defined in the pulse instance parameters.
envelope = pulse.envelope
pulse_params = pulse.parameters
if pulse.is_parameterized():
raise PulseError("Unassigned parameter exists. All parameters must be assigned.")
if envelope is None:
raise PulseError("Pulse envelope expression is not assigned.")
args = []
for symbol in sorted(envelope.free_symbols, key=lambda s: s.name):
if symbol.name == "t":
times = Array(np.arange(0, pulse_params["duration"]) + 1 / 2)
args.insert(0, times.data)
except KeyError as ex:
raise PulseError(
f"Pulse parameter '{symbol.name}' is not defined for this instance. "
"Please check your waveform expression is correct."
) from ex
return _lru_cache_expr(envelope, Array.default_backend())(*args)
def _lru_cache_expr(expr: sym.Expr, backend) -> Callable:
"""A helper function to get lambdified expression.
expr: Symbolic expression to evaluate.
backend: Array backend.
lambdified expression.
params = []
for param in sorted(expr.free_symbols, key=lambda s: s.name):
if param.name == "t":
params.insert(0, param)
return sym.lambdify(params, expr, modules=backend)
def _nyquist_warn(frequency_shift: Array, dt: float, channel: str):
"""Raise a warning if the frequency shift is above the Nyquist frequency given by ``dt``."""
if (
Array(frequency_shift).backend != "jax" or not isinstance(jnp.array(0), jax.core.Tracer)
) and np.abs(frequency_shift) > 0.5 / dt:
"Due to SetFrequency and ShiftFrequency instructions, the digital carrier frequency "
f"of channel {channel} is larger than the Nyquist frequency of the envelope sample "
"size dt. As shifts of the frequency from the analog frequency are handled digitally, "
"this will result in aliasing effects."