Source code for qiskit_dynamics.perturbation.perturbation_data
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022.
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Class for storing results of perturbation theory computations.
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass
from multiset import Multiset
from qiskit import QiskitError
from qiskit_dynamics.array import Array
class _LabeledData:
"""Container for arbitrarily "labeled data", i.e. data whose indices are arbitrary python
objects. The method ``get_item`` looks up an item according to the label.
data: Mapping[int, any]
labels: List[any]
metadata: Optional[any] = None
def get_item(self, label: any) -> any:
"""Look up an item in according to the location of label in self.labels."""
label = self._preprocess_label(label)
if label in self.labels:
return self._post_process_item([self.labels.index(label)])
raise QiskitError("label is not present in self.labels.")
def _preprocess_label(self, label: any) -> any:
return label
def _post_process_item(self, item: any) -> any:
return item
class PowerSeriesData(_LabeledData):
"""Storage container for power series data. Labels are assumed to be ``Multiset`` instances,
and data is assumed to be an ``Array``.
def _preprocess_label(self, label: Multiset) -> Multiset:
"""Cast to a Multiset."""
return Multiset(label)
def _post_process_item(self, item: Array) -> Array:
"""Wrap in an Array."""
return Array(item,
class DysonLikeData(_LabeledData):
"""Storage container for DysonLike series data. Labels are assumed to be lists of ints,
and data is assumed to be an ``Array``.
def _preprocess_label(self, label: list) -> list:
"""Cast to a list."""
return list(label)
def _post_process_item(self, item: Array) -> Array:
"""Wrap in an array."""
return Array(item,