Source code for qiskit_dynamics.models.rotating_wave_approximation

# This code is part of Qiskit.
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name, inconsistent-return-statements

"""Functions for performing the Rotating Wave Approximation
on Model classes."""

from typing import List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from qiskit_dynamics.models import (
from qiskit_dynamics.signals import SignalSum, Signal, SignalList
from qiskit_dynamics.array import Array
from qiskit_dynamics.type_utils import to_array

[docs] def rotating_wave_approximation( model: BaseGeneratorModel, cutoff_freq: float, return_signal_map: Optional[bool] = False ) -> BaseGeneratorModel: r"""Construct a new model by performing the rotating wave approximation with a given cutoff frequency. The outputs of this function can be used in JAX-transformable functions, however this function itself cannot (see below). Performs elementwise rotating wave approximation (RWA) with cutoff frequency ``cutoff_freq`` on each operator in a model, returning a new model. The new model contains a modified list of signal coefficients, and setting the optional argument ``return_signal_map=True`` results in the additional return of the function ``f`` which maps the signals of the input model to those of the output RWA model, such that the code blocks: .. code-block:: python model.signals = new_signals rwa_model = rotating_wave_approximation(model, cutoff_freq) and .. code-block:: python rwa_model, f = rotating_wave_approximation(model, cutoff_freq, return_signal_map=True) rwa_model.signals = f(new_signals) result in an ``rwa_model`` with the same updated signals. .. note:: The ``rotating_wave_approximation`` function itself cannot be included in a function to-be JAX-transformed, however the resulting model and ``signal_map`` can. For example, the following function is **not** JAX-transformable: .. code-block:: python def function_with_rwa(t): operators = ... signals = ... model = GeneratorModel(operators=operators, signals=signals) rwa_model = rotating_wave_approximation(model, cutoff_freq) return rwa_model(t) Whereas, defining: .. code-block:: python rwa_model, signal_map = rotating_wave_approximation(model, cutoff_freq, return_signal_map=True) The following function **is** JAX-transformable: .. code-block:: python def jax_transformable_func(t): rwa_model_copy = rwa_model.copy() rwa_model_copy.signals = signal_map(new_signals) return rwa_model_copy(t) In this way, the outputs of ``rotating_wave_approximation`` can be used in JAX-transformable functions, however ``rotating_wave_approximation`` itself cannot. We now describe the formalism. When considering :math:`s_i(t) e^{-tF}G_ie^{tF}`, in the basis in which :math:`F` is diagonal, the :math:`(j, k)` element of :math:`G_i` has effective frequency :math:`\tilde\nu_{ijk}^\pm = \pm\nu_i + Im[-d_j+d_k]/2\pi`, where the :math:`\pm\nu_i` comes from expressing :math:`s_i(t) = Re[a_i(t)e^{2\pi i\nu_i t}] = a_i(t)e^{i(2\pi\nu_i t+\phi_i)}/2 + c.c.` and the other term comes from the rotating frame. Define :math:`G_i^\pm` the matrix whose entries :math:`(G_i^\pm)_{jk}` are the entries of :math:`G_i` s.t. :math:`|\nu_{ijk}^\pm|<\nu_*` for some cutoff frequency :math:`\nu_*`. Then, after the RWA, we may write .. math:: s_i(t)G_i \to G_i^+ a_ie^{i(2\pi \nu_i t+\phi_i)}/2 + G_i^- \overline{a_i}e^{-i(2\pi \nu_i t+\phi_i)}/2. When we regroup these to use only the real components of the signal, we find that .. math:: s_i(t)G_i \to s_i(t)(G_i^+ + G_i^-)/2 + s_i'(t)(iG_i^+-iG_i^-) where :math:`s_i'(t)` is a signal with the same frequency and amplitude as :math:`s_i`, but with a phase shift of :math:`\phi_i - \pi/2`. Args: model: The model to approximate. cutoff_freq: The cutoff frequency for the approximation. return_signal_map: Whether to also return the function for mapping pre-RWA signals to post-RWA signals. Returns: :class:`GeneratorModel` with twice as many terms, and, if ``return_signal_map``, also the function ``f``. Raises: ValueError: If the model has no signals. """ n = model.dim frame_freqs = None if model.rotating_frame is None or model.rotating_frame.frame_diag is None: frame_freqs = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=complex) else: diag = model.rotating_frame.frame_diag diff_matrix = np.broadcast_to(diag, (n, n)) - np.broadcast_to(diag, (n, n)).T frame_freqs = diff_matrix.imag / (2 * np.pi) if model.rotating_frame.frame_diag is not None: frame_shift = np.diag(model.rotating_frame.frame_diag) if isinstance(model, (HamiltonianModel, LindbladModel)): frame_shift = 1j * frame_shift else: frame_shift = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=complex) if isinstance(model, GeneratorModel): if model.signals is None and model.operators is not None: raise ValueError("Model must have nontrivial signals to perform the RWA.") cur_drift = to_array(model._get_static_operator(True)) if cur_drift is not None: cur_drift = cur_drift + frame_shift rwa_drift = cur_drift * (abs(frame_freqs) < cutoff_freq).astype(int) rwa_drift = model.rotating_frame.operator_out_of_frame_basis(rwa_drift) else: rwa_drift = None rwa_operators = get_rwa_operators( to_array(model._get_operators(True)), model.signals, model.rotating_frame, frame_freqs, cutoff_freq, ) rwa_signals = get_rwa_signals(model.signals) # works for both GeneratorModel and HamiltonianModel rwa_model = model.__class__( static_operator=rwa_drift, operators=rwa_operators, signals=rwa_signals, rotating_frame=model.rotating_frame, in_frame_basis=model.in_frame_basis, evaluation_mode=model.evaluation_mode, ) if return_signal_map: return rwa_model, get_rwa_signals return rwa_model elif isinstance(model, LindbladModel): if model.signals[0] is None and model.hamiltonian_operators is not None: raise ValueError("Model must have nontrivial Hamiltonian signals to perform the RWA.") if model.signals[1] is None and model.dissipator_operators is not None: raise ValueError("Model must have nontrivial dissipator signals to perform the RWA.") # static hamiltonian part cur_drift = to_array(model._get_static_hamiltonian(True)) + frame_shift rwa_drift = cur_drift * (abs(frame_freqs) < cutoff_freq).astype(int) rwa_drift = model.rotating_frame.operator_out_of_frame_basis(rwa_drift) # static dissipator part cur_static_dis = to_array(model._get_static_dissipators(in_frame_basis=True)) rwa_static_dis = None if cur_static_dis is not None: rwa_static_dis = [] for op in cur_static_dis: op = Array(op) rwa_op = op * (abs(frame_freqs) < cutoff_freq).astype(int) rwa_op = model.rotating_frame.operator_out_of_frame_basis(rwa_op) rwa_static_dis.append(rwa_op) cur_ham_ops = to_array(model._get_hamiltonian_operators(in_frame_basis=True)) cur_dis_ops = to_array(model._get_dissipator_operators(in_frame_basis=True)) cur_ham_sig, cur_dis_sig = model.signals rwa_ham_ops = get_rwa_operators( cur_ham_ops, cur_ham_sig, model.rotating_frame, frame_freqs, cutoff_freq ) rwa_ham_sig = get_rwa_signals(cur_ham_sig) rwa_dis_ops = get_rwa_operators( cur_dis_ops, cur_dis_sig, model.rotating_frame, frame_freqs, cutoff_freq ) rwa_dis_sig = get_rwa_signals(cur_dis_sig) rwa_model = LindbladModel( static_hamiltonian=rwa_drift, hamiltonian_operators=rwa_ham_ops, hamiltonian_signals=rwa_ham_sig, static_dissipators=rwa_static_dis, dissipator_operators=rwa_dis_ops, dissipator_signals=rwa_dis_sig, rotating_frame=model.rotating_frame, in_frame_basis=model.in_frame_basis, evaluation_mode=model.evaluation_mode, ) if return_signal_map: signal_translator = lambda a: (get_rwa_signals(a[0]), get_rwa_signals(a[1])) return rwa_model, signal_translator return rwa_model
def get_rwa_operators( current_ops: Array, current_sigs: SignalList, rotating_frame: RotatingFrame, frame_freqs: Array, cutoff_freq: float, ): r"""Given a set of operators as a ``(k,n,n)`` array, a set of frequencies :math:`\operatorname{frame_freqs}_{jk} = \operatorname{Im}[-d_j+d_k]` where :math:`d_i` the :math:`i^{th}` eigenlvalue of the frame operator :math:`F`, the current signals of a model, and a cutoff frequency, returns the new operators and signals that should be passed to create a new Model class after the RWA. Args: current_ops: The current operator list, a ``(k,n,n)`` array. current_sigs: ``(k,)`` length :class:`SignalList`. rotating_frame: The current :class:`~RotatingFrame` object of the pre-RWA model frame_freqs: The effective frequencies of different matrix elements due to the conjugation by :math:`e^{\pm Ft}` in the rotating frame. cutoff_freq: The maximum frequency allowed under the RWA. Returns: SignaLList: ``(2k,n,n)`` array of new operators post RWA. """ if current_ops is None: return None current_sigs = current_sigs.flatten() carrier_freqs = np.zeros(len(current_ops)) for i, sig_sum in enumerate(current_sigs.components): sig = sig_sum.components[0] carrier_freqs[i] = sig.carrier_freq num_components = len(carrier_freqs) n = current_ops[0].shape[-1] frame_freqs = np.broadcast_to(frame_freqs, (num_components, n, n)) carrier_freqs = carrier_freqs.reshape((num_components, 1, 1)) pos_pass = np.abs(carrier_freqs + frame_freqs) < cutoff_freq pos_terms = current_ops * pos_pass.astype(int) # G_i^+ neg_pass = np.abs(-carrier_freqs + frame_freqs) < cutoff_freq neg_terms = current_ops * neg_pass.astype(int) # G_i^- real_component = pos_terms / 2 + neg_terms / 2 imag_component = 1j * pos_terms / 2 - 1j * neg_terms / 2 return rotating_frame.operator_out_of_frame_basis( np.append(real_component, imag_component, axis=0) ) def get_rwa_signals(curr_signal_list: Union[List[Signal], SignalList]): """Helper function that converts pre-RWA signals to post-RWA signals. Args: curr_signal_list: The pre-RWA signals. Returns: The post-RWA signals. """ if curr_signal_list is None: return curr_signal_list real_signal_components = [] imag_signal_components = [] if not isinstance(curr_signal_list, SignalList): curr_signal_list = SignalList(curr_signal_list) curr_signal_list = curr_signal_list.flatten() for sig_sum in curr_signal_list.components: sig = sig_sum.components[0] real_signal_components.append(sig) imag_signal_components.append( SignalSum(Signal(sig.envelope, sig.carrier_freq, sig.phase - np.pi / 2)) ) return SignalList(real_signal_components + imag_signal_components)