Source code for qiskit_dynamics.dispatch.dispatch

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Dispatch class"""

import functools
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Callable
from .exceptions import DispatchError

class Dispatch:
    """Dispatch NumPy ufuncs to multiple array backends."""

    # Registered backend names

    # Set version of registered backend name strings

    # Registered backend array types
    REGISTERED_TYPES = tuple()

    # Set version of registered backend array types

    # Default backend. If None the backend of the input array is used.

    # Dispatch table from backend name to asarray function

    # Dispatch table from backend name to repr function

    # Dispatch table from backend name to array_ufunc dispatcher

    # Dispatch table from backend name to array_function dispatcher

    def backend(
        cls, array: any, subclass: Optional[bool] = False, fallback: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> str:
        """Return the registered backend string of a array object.

            array: an array object.
            subclass: If True check if array type is a subclass of
                      registered types.
            fallback: Fallback backend to use if array does not match any
                      registered types.

            str: The array backend name if the array type is registered,
                 or `use_default=True` and the type is not registered.
            None: If `use_default=False` and the array type is not registered.

            DispatchError: if fallback backend is not valid.
        backend = cls._REGISTERED_TYPES.get(type(array), None)
        if backend is not None:
            return backend
        if subclass:
            for key, backend in cls._REGISTERED_TYPES.items():
                if isinstance(array, key):
                    return backend
        if fallback is None or fallback in cls._REGISTERED_BACKENDS:
            return fallback
        raise DispatchError(f"fallback '{fallback}' is not a registered backend.")

    def validate_backend(cls, backend: str):
        """Raise an exception if backend is not registered.

            backend: array backend name.

            DispatchError: if backend is not registered.
        if backend not in cls._REGISTERED_BACKENDS:
            registered = cls.REGISTERED_BACKENDS if cls.REGISTERED_BACKENDS else None
            raise DispatchError(
                f"""'{backend}' is not a registered array backends
                (registered backends: {registered})"""

    def array_ufunc(cls, backend: str, ufunc: callable, method: str) -> callable:
        """Return the ufunc for the specified array backend

            backend: the array backend name.
            ufunc: the numpy ufunc.
            method: the ufunc method.

            callable: the ufunc for the specified array backend.
        return cls.ARRAY_UFUNC_DISPATCH[backend](ufunc, method)

    def repr(cls, backend: str) -> callable:
        """Return the ufunc for the specified array backend

            backend: the array backend name.

            callable: the repr function for the specified array backend.
        return cls.REPR_DISPATCH[backend]

    def array_function(cls, backend: str, func: callable) -> callable:
        """Return the array function for the specified array backend

            backend: the array backend name.
            func: the numpy array function.

            callable: the function for the specified array backend.
        return cls.ARRAY_FUNCTION_DISPATCH[backend](func)

    def register_types(cls, name: str, array_types: Union[any, Tuple[any]]):
        """Register an asarray array backend.

            name: A string to identify the array backend.
            array_types: A class or list of classes to associate
                         with the array backend.
        if not isinstance(array_types, (list, tuple)):
            array_types = [array_types]
        for atype in array_types:
            cls._REGISTERED_TYPES[atype] = name
        cls.REGISTERED_TYPES = tuple(cls._REGISTERED_TYPES.keys())

    def register_asarray(
        cls, name: str, array_types: Optional[Union[any, Tuple[any]]] = None
    ) -> callable:
        """Decorator to register an asarray function for an array backend.

        The function being wrapped must have signature
        `func(arg, dtype=None, order=None)`.

            name: A string to identify the array backend.
            array_types: Optional, the array types to register
                         for the backend.

            callable: the decorated function.
        if array_types:
            cls.register_types(name, array_types)

        def decorator(func):
            cls.ASARRAY_DISPATCH[name] = func
            return func

        return decorator

    def register_repr(
        cls, name: str, array_types: Optional[Union[any, Tuple[any]]] = None
    ) -> callable:
        """Decorator to register an asarray function for an array backend.

        The function being wrapped must have signature
        `func(arg, dtype=None, order=None)`.

            name: A string to identify the array backend.
            array_types: Optional, the array types to register
                         for the backend.

            callable: the decorated function.
        if array_types:
            cls.register_types(name, array_types)

        def decorator(func):
            cls.REPR_DISPATCH[name] = func
            return func

        return decorator

    def register_array_ufunc(
        cls, name: str, array_types: Optional[Union[any, Tuple[any]]] = None
    ) -> callable:
        """Decorator to register a ufunc dispatch function.

        This is used for handling of dispatch of NumPy ufuncs using
        `__array_ufunc__`. The function being wrapped must have
        signature `f(ufunc, method) -> callable(*args, **kwargs)`

            name: A string to identify the array backend.
            array_types: Optional, the array types to register
                         for the backend.

            callable: the decorated function.
        if array_types:
            cls.register_types(name, array_types)

        def decorator(func):
            cls.ARRAY_UFUNC_DISPATCH[name] = func
            return func

        return decorator

    def register_array_function(
        cls, name: str, array_types: Optional[Union[any, Tuple[any]]] = None
    ) -> callable:
        """Decorator to register an array function dispatch function.

        This is used for handling of dispatch of NumPy functions using
        `__array_function__`. The function being wrapped must have
        signature `f(func) -> callable(*args, **kwargs)`.

            name: A string to identify the array backend.
            array_types: Optional, the array types to register
                         for the backend.

            callable: the decorated function.
        if array_types:
            cls.register_types(name, array_types)

        def decorator(func):
            cls.ARRAY_FUNCTION_DISPATCH[name] = func
            return func

        return decorator

    def implements(np_function, dispatch_dict):
        """Register a numpy __array_function__ implementation."""

        def decorator(func):
            dispatch_dict[np_function] = func
            return func

        return decorator

[docs] def asarray( array: any, dtype: Optional[any] = None, order: Optional[str] = None, backend: Optional[str] = None, ) -> any: """Convert input array to an array on the specified backend. This functions like `numpy.asarray` but optionally supports casting to other registered array backends. Args: array: An array_like input. dtype: Optional. The dtype of the returned array. This value must be supported by the specified array backend. order: Optional. The array order. This value must be supported by the specified array backend. backend: A registered array backend name. If None the default array backend will be used. Returns: array: an array object of the form specified by the backend kwarg. """ if backend: Dispatch.validate_backend(backend) else: if Dispatch.DEFAULT_BACKEND: backend = Dispatch.DEFAULT_BACKEND else: backend = Dispatch.backend(array, fallback="numpy") return Dispatch.ASARRAY_DISPATCH[backend](array, dtype=dtype, order=order)
[docs] def requires_backend(backend: str) -> Callable: """Return a function and class decorator for checking a backend is available. If the the required backend is not in the list of :func:`available_backends` any decorated function or method will raise an exception when called, and any decorated class will raise an exeption when its ``__init__`` is called. Args: backend: the backend name required by class or function. Returns: Callable: A decorator that may be used to specify that a function, class, or class method requires a specific backend to be installed. """ def decorator(obj): """Specify that the decorated object requires a specifc Array backend.""" def check_backend(descriptor): if backend not in Dispatch.REGISTERED_BACKENDS: raise DispatchError( f"Array backend '{backend}' required by {descriptor} " "is not installed. Please install the optional " "library '{backend}'." ) # Decorate a function or method if isinstance(obj, FunctionType): @functools.wraps(obj) def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs): check_backend(f"function {obj}") return obj(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_func # Decorate a class elif isinstance(obj, type): obj_init = obj.__init__ @functools.wraps(obj_init) def decorated_init(self, *args, **kwargs): check_backend(f"class {obj}") obj_init(self, *args, **kwargs) obj.__init__ = decorated_init return obj else: raise Exception(f"Cannot decorate object {obj} that is not a class or function.") return decorator