Today, we are presenting a tutorial at the 2022 IEEE Quantum Week. Below are the installation instructions and links to resources presented.

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Installation instructions

Python 3.7 or higher is required. If you are on a Mac, you will be best to stick with Python 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9, as one of the dependencies (pyscf) has not been updated to work with Python 3.10.

We recommend installing in a virtual Python environment. The below instructions use venv, but you might wish to use conda instead if you are more familiar with it.


The following commands create a new directory, then create and activate a virtual environment inside it.

mkdir ieee-quantum-prototypes-tutorial
cd ieee-quantum-prototypes-tutorial
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip

Quantum Kernel Training

git clone
pip install -r prototype-quantum-kernel-training/requirements.txt
pip install -r prototype-quantum-kernel-training/requirements-dev.txt

(full installation instructions here)

Quantum Random Access Optimization

git clone
pip install -e 'prototype-qrao/[notebook-dependencies]'

(full installation instructions here)

Entanglement Forging

Note that the Entanglement Forging prototype depends on pyscf. It is not available on Windows, and on macOS it has not been updated to work with Python 3.10.

pip install entanglement-forging
git clone

(full installation instructions here)

Start Jupyter notebook server locally

pip install tox notebook
jupyter notebook

Then, navigate in your web browser to the URL displayed to the terminal.

Prototype repositories and resources