# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023, 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""A PySCF-based GroundStateSolver for Qiskit Nature."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import numpy as np
from pyscf import fci
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
from qiskit_nature.second_q.algorithms import GroundStateSolver
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import SparseLabelOp
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.tensor_ordering import find_index_order, to_chemist_ordering
from qiskit_nature.second_q.problems import (
from qiskit_nature.second_q.properties import ElectronicDensity
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class PySCFGroundStateSolver(GroundStateSolver):
"""A PySCF-based GroundStateSolver for Qiskit Nature.
This class provides a :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.algorithms.GroundStateSolver` for Qiskit
Nature, leveraging the ``fci`` module of PySCF. This is utility does not enable any Quantum
algorithms to be used (since it replaces them in the Qiskit workflow) but instead provides a
useful utility for debugging classical computational workflows based on Qiskit Nature.
More importantly, it provides a more efficient implementation of what Qiskit otherwise achieves
using a :class:`~qiskit_algorithms.NumPyMinimumEigensolver` in combination with a
``filter_criterion``. For non-singlet spin ground states the setup using Qiskit components is a
lot more involved, whereas this class provides an easy-to-use alternative.
Here is an example use cas:
.. code-block:: python
from pyscf import fci
from qiskit_nature.second_q.drivers import MethodType, PySCFDriver
from qiskit_nature.second_q.transformers import ActiveSpaceTransformer
from qiskit_nature_pyscf import PySCFGroundStateSolver
driver = PySCFDriver(
atom="O 0.0 0.0 0.0; O 0.0 0.0 1.5",
problem = driver.run()
transformer = ActiveSpaceTransformer(4, 4)
problem = transformer.transform(problem)
solver = PySCFGroundStateSolver(fci.direct_uhf.FCI())
result = solver.solve(problem)
For more details please to the documentation of `PySCF <https://pyscf.org/>`_ and
`Qiskit Nature <https://qiskit-community.github.io/qiskit-nature/>`_.
def __init__(self, solver: fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver) -> None:
solver: a FCI solver provided by PySCF.
self._solver = solver
[docs] def solve(
problem: BaseProblem,
aux_operators: dict[str, SparseLabelOp | SparsePauliOp] | None = None,
) -> ElectronicStructureResult:
"""Finds the ground-state of the provided problem.
This method is written to match the
:class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.algorithms.GroundStateSolver` API of Qiskit Nature but it
does not support the evaluation of ``aux_operators`` and will ignore them.
It is also only capable of solving an
:class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.ElectronicStructureProblem` and will raise an error
if another problem object is provided.
problem: the problem instance to be solved.
aux_operators: **ignored**.
TypeError: if a problem other than an
:class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.ElectronicStructureProblem` is provided.
The interpreted result object in Qiskit Nature format.
if aux_operators is not None:
"This solver does not support auxiliary operators. They will be ignored."
if not isinstance(problem, ElectronicStructureProblem):
raise TypeError(
"This solver only supports an ElectronicStructureProblem but you provided a "
f"problem of type '{type(problem)}'."
e_ints = problem.hamiltonian.electronic_integrals
restricted_spin = e_ints.beta_alpha.is_empty()
one_body: np.ndarray
two_body: np.ndarray
if restricted_spin:
one_body = np.asarray(problem.hamiltonian.electronic_integrals.alpha["+-"])
two_body = np.asarray(
one_body = np.asarray(
index_order = find_index_order(problem.hamiltonian.electronic_integrals.alpha["++--"])
two_body = np.asarray(
energy, ci_vec = self.solver.kernel(
if not isinstance(energy, np.ndarray):
# computed a single root, but in the following we pretend to always have multiple ones
energy = [energy]
ci_vec = [ci_vec]
raw_density = self.solver.make_rdm1s(
ci_vec[0], norb=problem.num_spatial_orbitals, nelec=problem.num_particles
density = ElectronicDensity.from_raw_integrals(raw_density[0], h1_b=raw_density[1])
overlap_ab: np.ndarray | None = None
if problem.properties.angular_momentum is not None:
overlap_ab = problem.properties.angular_momentum.overlap
magnetization: list[float] = []
angular_momentum: list[float] = []
for vec in ci_vec:
densities = self.solver.make_rdm12s(
vec, norb=problem.num_spatial_orbitals, nelec=problem.num_particles
spin_square, spin_z = self._compute_spin(densities, overlap_ab)
result = ElectronicStructureResult()
result.computed_energies = np.asarray(energy)
result.hartree_fock_energy = problem.reference_energy
result.extracted_transformer_energies = dict(problem.hamiltonian.constants.items())
result.nuclear_repulsion_energy = result.extracted_transformer_energies.pop(
"nuclear_repulsion_energy", None
result.num_particles = [sum(problem.num_particles)] * len(energy)
result.magnetization = magnetization
result.total_angular_momentum = angular_momentum
# NOTE: the ElectronicStructureResult does not yet support multiple densities. Thus, we only
# have the ground-state density here, regardless of how many roots were computed.
result.electronic_density = density
return result
[docs] def get_qubit_operators(
problem: BaseProblem,
aux_operators: dict[str, SparseLabelOp | SparsePauliOp] | None = None,
) -> tuple[SparsePauliOp, dict[str, SparsePauliOp] | None]:
"""This solver does not deal with qubit operators and this method raises a RuntimeError."""
raise RuntimeError(
"This solver is a purely classical one and as such solves an ElectronicStructureProblem"
" on the second-quantization level. Thus, it has no concept of qubit operators and does"
" not support this method."
[docs] def supports_aux_operators(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether the eigensolver supports auxiliary operators."""
return False
def solver(self) -> fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver:
"""Returns the solver."""
return self._solver
def _compute_spin(
densities: tuple[tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]],
overlap_ab: np.ndarray | None,
(dm1a, dm1b), (dm2aa, dm2ab, dm2bb) = densities
identity = np.eye(dm1a.shape[0])
if overlap_ab is None:
overlap_ab = identity
overlap_ba = overlap_ab.T
# NOTE: we know for a fact, that overlap_aa and overlap_bb will always equal the identity
# when dealing with a single wavefunction
ssz = (
np.einsum("ijkl,ij,kl->", dm2aa, identity, identity)
- np.einsum("ijkl,ij,kl->", dm2ab, identity, identity)
+ np.einsum("ijkl,ij,kl->", dm2bb, identity, identity)
- np.einsum("ijkl,ij,kl->", dm2ab, identity, identity)
+ np.einsum("ji,ij->", dm1a, identity)
+ np.einsum("ji,ij->", dm1b, identity)
) * 0.25
dm2abba = -dm2ab.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1) # alpha^+ beta^+ alpha beta
dm2baab = -dm2ab.transpose(2, 1, 0, 3) # beta^+ alpha^+ beta alpha
ssxy = (
np.einsum("ijkl,ij,kl->", dm2abba, overlap_ab, overlap_ba)
+ np.einsum("ijkl,ij,kl->", dm2baab, overlap_ba, overlap_ab)
# NOTE: the following two lines are different from PySCF because we may deal with
# non-unitary overlap_ab matrices
+ np.einsum("ji,ij->", dm1a, overlap_ab @ overlap_ba)
+ np.einsum("ji,ij->", dm1b, overlap_ba @ overlap_ab)
) * 0.5
spin_square = ssxy + ssz
return spin_square, np.sqrt(ssz)