Qiskit Metal | Quantum Device Design & Analysis (Q-EDA) 0.1.5¶
This is an alpha version of Qiskit Metal, the code is still under development. Please let us know about anything you might want us to add or elaborate upon in the Slack channel #metal in the qiskit workspace.
You can open this documentation using
import qiskit_metal
Qiskit Metal | for quantum device design & analysis (`Qiskit Metal`) is an open-source framework (and library) for the design of superconducting quantum chips and devices. Call it quantum EDA (Q-EDA) and analysis. Qiskit Metal is:
Open source
A python API and a front-end visual GUI interface
Leverages existing tools and aims to seamlessly interconnect for quantum analysis
licensed under Apache 2.0. IBM reserves no copyright over outputs of qiskit-metal.
Community-oriented and tutorial-driven, join the #metal Slack.
Use the slack channel. Join qiskit slack and then join the #metal channel to communicate with the developers and other participants. You may also use this channel to learn about upcoming weekly tutorials and to inquire about potential collaborations.
Live tutorials and Q&A:
We host live tutorials and Q&A sessions. Announcements for future tutorials are posted in the #metal channel.
Qiskit Metal Vision:
Designing quantum devices is the bedrock of the quantum ecosystem, but it is a difficult, multi-step process that connects traditionally disparate worlds. Metal is automating and streamlining this process. Our vision is to develop a community-driven universal platform capable of orchestrating quantum chip development from concept to fabrication in a simple and open framework.
We want to accelerate, and to lower the barrier to, innovation of quantum devices. Today at the IEEE Quantum Week Conference, the team discussed their vision for this first-of-its-kind project. Led by quantum physicist Zlatko Minev and developed with other IBM Quantum team members, this project is meant for those interested in quantum hardware design: a suite of design automation tools that can be used to devise and analyze superconducting devices, with a focus on being able to integrate the best tools into a quantum hardware designer’s workflow. We’ve code-named the project Qiskit Metal.
We hope that as a community, we might make the process of quantization — bridging the gap between pieces of a superconducting metal on a quantum chip with the computational mathematics of Hamiltonians and Hilbert spaces — available to anyone with a curious mind and a laptop. We want to make quantum device design a streamlined process that automates the laborious tasks as it does with conventional electronic device design. We are writing software with built-in best practices and cutting-edge quantum analysis techniques, all this while seamlessly leveraging the power of conventional EDA tools. The goal of Qiskit Metal is to allow for easy quantum hardware modeling with reduction of design-related errors plus increased speed.
(read the full Medium blog)
Qiskit Metal consists of four foundational elements:
Quantum Device Design (QDesign): QDesign
Quantum Device Components (QComponent): Core Classes
Quantum Renderer (QRenderer): Renderer Base
Quantum Analysis (QAnalysis): Analysis Core