Data Processor: Wrangling data ============================== Data processing is the act of taking the data returned by the backend and converting it into a format that can be analyzed. It is implemented as a chain of data processing steps that transform various input data, e.g. IQ data, into a desired format, e.g. population, which can be analyzed. These data transformations may consist of multiple steps, such as kerneling and discrimination. Each step is implemented by a member of the :class:`~.DataAction` class, also called a `node`. The data processor implements the :meth:`__call__` method. Once initialized, it can thus be used as a standard python function: .. code-block:: python processor = DataProcessor(input_key="memory", [Node1(), Node2(), ...]) out_data = processor(in_data) The data input to the processor is a sequence of dictionaries each representing the result of a single circuit. The output of the processor is a numpy array whose shape and data type depend on the combination of the nodes in the data processor. Uncertainties that arise from quantum measurements or finite sampling can be taken into account in the nodes: a standard error can be generated in a node and can be propagated through the subsequent nodes in the data processor. Correlation between computed values is also considered. Let's look at an example to see how to initialize an instance of :class:`.DataProcessor` and create the :class:`.DataAction` nodes that process the data. Data types on IBM Quantum backends ---------------------------------- IBM Quantum backends can return different types of data. There is counts data and IQ data [1]_, referred to as level 2 and level 1 data, respectively. Level 2 data corresponds to a dictionary with bit-strings as keys and the number of times the bit-string was measured as a value. Importantly for some experiments, the backends can return a lower data level known as IQ data. Here, I and Q stand for in phase and quadrature. The IQ are points in the complex plane corresponding to a time integrated measurement signal which is reflected or transmitted through the readout resonator depending on the setup. IQ data can be returned as "single" or "averaged" data. Here, single means that the outcome of each single shot is returned while average only returns the average of the IQ points over the measured shots. The type of data that an experiment should return is specified by the :meth:`~.BaseExperiment.run_options` of an experiment. Processing data of different types ---------------------------------- An experiment should work with the different data levels. Crucially, the analysis, such as a curve analysis, expects the same data format no matter the run options of the experiment. Transforming the data returned by the backend into the format that the analysis accepts is done by the ``data_processing`` library. The key class here is the :class:`.DataProcessor`. It is initialized from two arguments. The first is the ``input_key``, which is typically "memory" or "counts", and identifies the key in the experiment data where the data is located. The second argument ``data_actions`` is a list of ``nodes`` where each node performs a processing step of the data processor. Crucially, the output of one node in the list is the input to the next node in the list. To illustrate the data processing module, we consider an example in which we measure a rabi oscillation with different data levels. The code below sets up the Rabi experiment. .. note:: This tutorial requires the :mod:`qiskit_dynamics` package to run simulations. You can install it with ``python -m pip install qiskit-dynamics``. .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message=".*Due to the deprecation of Qiskit Pulse.*", category=DeprecationWarning, ) warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message=".*The entire Qiskit Pulse package is being deprecated.*", category=DeprecationWarning, ) .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy as np from qiskit import pulse from qiskit.circuit import Parameter from qiskit_experiments.test.pulse_backend import SingleTransmonTestBackend from qiskit_experiments.data_processing import DataProcessor, nodes from qiskit_experiments.library import Rabi with as sched: pulse.Gaussian(160, Parameter("amp"), sigma=40), pulse.DriveChannel(0) ) backend = SingleTransmonTestBackend(seed=100) exp = Rabi( physical_qubits=(0,), backend=backend, schedule=sched, amplitudes=np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 21) ) We now run the Rabi experiment twice, once with level 1 data and once with level 2 data. Here, we manually configure two data processors but note that typically you do not need to do this yourself. We begin with single-shot IQ data. .. jupyter-execute:: data_nodes = [nodes.SVD(), nodes.AverageData(axis=1), nodes.MinMaxNormalize()] iq_processor = DataProcessor("memory", data_nodes) exp.analysis.set_options(data_processor=iq_processor) exp_data =, meas_return="single").block_for_results() display(exp_data.figure(0)) Since we requested IQ data we set the input key to "memory" which is the key under which the data is located in the experiment data. The ``iq_processor`` contains three nodes. The first node ``SVD`` is a singular value decomposition which projects the two-dimensional IQ data on its main axis. The second node averages the single-shot data. The output is a single float per quantum circuit. Finally, the last node ``MinMaxNormalize`` normalizes the measured signal to the interval [0, 1]. The ``iq_dataprocessor`` is then set as an option of the analysis class. For those who are wondering what single-shot IQ data looks like we plot the data returned by the zeroth and sixth circuit in the code block below. .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: :hide-output: %matplotlib inline .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit_experiments.visualization import IQPlotter, MplDrawer plotter = IQPlotter(MplDrawer()) for idx in [0, 6]: plotter.set_series_data( f"Circuit {idx}", points=np.array(["memory"]).squeeze(), ) plotter.figure() Now we turn to counts data and see how the data processor needs to be changed. .. jupyter-execute:: data_nodes = [nodes.Probability(outcome="1")] count_processor = DataProcessor("counts", data_nodes) exp.analysis.set_options(data_processor=count_processor) exp_data = display(exp_data.figure(0)) Now, the ``input_key`` is "counts" since that is the key under which the counts data is saved in instances of :class:`.ExperimentData`. The list of nodes comprises a single data action which converts the counts to an estimation of the probability of measuring the outcome "1". Writing data actions -------------------- The nodes in a data processor are all sub-classes of :class:`.DataAction`. Users who wish to write their own data actions must (i) sub-class :class:`.DataAction` and (ii) implement the internal ``_process`` method called by instances of :class:`.DataProcessor`. This method is the processing step that the node implements. It takes a numpy array as input and returns the processed numpy array as output. This output serves as the input for the next node in the data processing chain. Here, the input and output numpy arrays can have a different shape. In addition to the standard :class:`.DataAction` the data processing package also supports trainable data actions as subclasses of :class:`.TrainableDataAction`. These nodes must first be trained on the data before they can process the data. An example of a :class:`.TrainableDataAction` is the :class:`.SVD` node which must first learn the main axis of the data before it can project a data point onto this axis. To implement trainable nodes developers must also implement the :meth:`~.DataProcessor.train` method. This method is called when :meth:`~.DataProcessor.train` is called. Conclusion ---------- Data is processed by data processors that call a list of nodes each acting once on the data. Data processing connects the data returned by the backend to the data that the analysis classes need. Typically, you will not need to implement the data processing yourself since Qiskit Experiments has built-in methods that determine the correct instance of :class:`.DataProcessor` for your data. More advanced data processing includes, for example, handling :doc:`restless measurements `. References ---------- .. [1] Thomas Alexander, Naoki Kanazawa, Daniel J. Egger, Lauren Capelluto, Christopher J. Wood, Ali Javadi-Abhari, David McKay, Qiskit Pulse: Programming Quantum Computers Through the Cloud with Pulses, Quantum Science and Technology **5**, 044006 (2020). See also -------- - Experiment manual: :doc:`/manuals/measurement/restless_measurements`