Readout Mitigation ================== Readout errors affect quantum computation during the measurement of the qubits in a quantum device. By characterizing the readout errors, it is possible to construct a *readout error mitigator* that is used both to obtain a more accurate distribution of the outputs, and more accurate measurements of expectation value for measurables. The readout mitigator is generated from an *assignment matrix*: a :math:`2^n \times 2^n` matrix :math:`A` such that :math:`A_{y,x}` is the probability to observe :math:`y` given the true outcome should be :math:`x`. The assignment matrix is used to compute the *mitigation matrix* used in the readout error mitigation process itself. A *Local readout mitigator* works under the assumption that readout errors are mostly *local*, meaning readout errors for different qubits are independent of each other. In this case, the assignment matrix is the tensor product of :math:`n` :math:`2 \times 2` matrices, one for each qubit, making it practical to store the assignment matrix in implicit form, by storing the individual :math:`2 \times 2` assignment matrices. The corresponding class in Qiskit is the :class:`~qiskit.result.LocalReadoutMitigator`. A *Correlated readout mitigator* uses the full :math:`2^n \times 2^n` assignment matrix, meaning it can only be used for small values of :math:`n`. The corresponding class in Qiskit is the :class:`~qiskit.result.CorrelatedReadoutMitigator`. This notebook demonstrates the usage of both the local and correlated experiments to generate the corresponding mitigators. .. note:: This tutorial requires the :external+qiskit_aer:doc:`qiskit-aer ` and :external+qiskit_ibm_runtime:doc:`qiskit-ibm-runtime ` packages to run simulations. You can install them with ``python -m pip install qiskit-aer qiskit-ibm-runtime``. .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from qiskit import QuantumCircuit from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator from qiskit.visualization import plot_distribution from qiskit_experiments.data_processing import LocalReadoutMitigator from qiskit_experiments.library import LocalReadoutError, CorrelatedReadoutError from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator from qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider import FakePerth backend = AerSimulator.from_backend(FakePerth()) Standard mitigation experiment ------------------------------ The default mitigation experiment is *local*, meaning error probability is measured individually for each qubit. The experiment generates two circuits, one for all “0” and one for all “1” results. .. jupyter-execute:: shots = 1024 qubits = [0,1,2,3] num_qubits = len(qubits) exp = LocalReadoutError(qubits) for c in exp.circuits(): print(c) exp.analysis.set_options(plot=True) result = mitigator = result.analysis_results("Local Readout Mitigator").value The resulting measurement matrix can be illustrated by comparing it to the identity. .. jupyter-execute:: result.figure(0) Mitigation matrices ------------------- The individual mitigation matrices can be read off the mitigator. .. jupyter-execute:: for qubit in mitigator.qubits: print(f"Qubit: {qubit}") print(mitigator.mitigation_matrix(qubits=qubit)) Mitigation example ------------------ .. jupyter-execute:: qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits) for i in range(1, num_qubits): - 1, i) qc.measure_all() counts =, shots=shots, seed_simulator=42, method="density_matrix").result().get_counts() unmitigated_probs = {label: count / shots for label, count in counts.items()} mitigated_quasi_probs = mitigator.quasi_probabilities(counts) mitigated_stddev = mitigated_quasi_probs._stddev_upper_bound mitigated_probs = (mitigated_quasi_probs.nearest_probability_distribution().binary_probabilities()) Probabilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. jupyter-execute:: legend = ['Mitigated Probabilities', 'Unmitigated Probabilities'] plot_distribution([mitigated_probs, unmitigated_probs], legend=legend, sort="value_desc", bar_labels=False) Expectation value ----------------- .. jupyter-execute:: diagonal_labels = ["ZZZZ", "ZIZI", "IZII", "1ZZ0"] diagonals = [ np.diag(np.real(Operator.from_label(d).to_matrix())) for d in diagonal_labels ] # Create a mitigator with no mitigation so that we can use its # expectation_values method to generate an unmitigated expectation value to # compare to the mitigated one. identity_mitigator = LocalReadoutMitigator([np.eye(2) for _ in range(4)]) qubit_index = {i: i for i in range(num_qubits)} unmitigated_expectation = [identity_mitigator.expectation_value(counts, d) for d in diagonals] mitigated_expectation = [mitigator.expectation_value(counts, d) for d in diagonals] mitigated_expectation_values, mitigated_stddev = zip(*mitigated_expectation) unmitigated_expectation_values, unmitigated_stddev = zip(*unmitigated_expectation) legend = ['Mitigated Expectation', 'Unmitigated Expectation'] fig, ax = plt.subplots() X = np.arange(4) + 0.00, mitigated_expectation_values, yerr=mitigated_stddev, color='b', width = 0.25, label="Mitigated Expectation") + 0.25, unmitigated_expectation_values, yerr=unmitigated_stddev, color='g', width = 0.25, label="Unmitigated Expectation") ax.set_xticks([0.125 + i for i in range(len(diagonals))]) ax.set_xticklabels(diagonal_labels) ax.legend() Correlated readout mitigation ----------------------------- In correlated readout mitigation on :math:`n` qubits, a circuit is generated for each of the possible :math:`2^n` combinations of “0” and “1”. This results in more accurate mitigation in the case where the readout errors are correlated and not independent, but requires a large amount of circuits and storage space, and so is infeasible for more than a few qubits. .. jupyter-execute:: qubits = [0,3] num_qubits = len(qubits) exp = CorrelatedReadoutError(qubits) for c in exp.circuits(): print(c) See also -------- * API documentation: :mod:`~qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.LocalReadoutError`, :mod:`~qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.CorrelatedReadoutError` * Qiskit Textbook: `Measurement Error Mitigation `__