Work with experiment artifacts ============================== Problem ------- You want to view, add, remove, and save artifacts associated with your :class:`.ExperimentData` instance. Solution -------- Artifacts are used to store auxiliary data for an experiment that don't fit neatly in the :class:`.AnalysisResult` model. Any data that can be serialized, such as fit data, can be added as :class:`.ArtifactData` artifacts to :class:`.ExperimentData`. For example, after an experiment that uses :class:`.CurveAnalysis` is run, its :class:`.ExperimentData` object is automatically populated with ``fit_summary`` and ``curve_data`` artifacts. The ``fit_summary`` artifact has one or more :class:`.CurveFitResult` objects that contain parameters from the fit. The ``curve_data`` artifact has a :class:`.ScatterTable` object that contains raw and fitted data in a pandas :class:`~pandas:pandas.DataFrame`. Viewing artifacts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we run a parallel experiment consisting of two :class:`.T1` experiments in parallel and then view the output artifacts as a list of :class:`.ArtifactData` objects accessed by :meth:`.ExperimentData.artifacts`: .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider import FakePerth from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator from qiskit_experiments.library import T1 from qiskit_experiments.framework import ParallelExperiment import numpy as np backend = AerSimulator.from_backend(FakePerth()) exp1 = T1(physical_qubits=[0], delays=np.arange(1e-6, 6e-4, 5e-5)) exp2 = T1(physical_qubits=[1], delays=np.arange(1e-6, 6e-4, 5e-5)) data = ParallelExperiment([exp1, exp2]).run(backend).block_for_results() data.artifacts() Artifacts can be accessed using either the artifact ID, which has to be unique in each :class:`.ExperimentData` object, or the artifact name, which does not have to be unique and will return all artifacts with the same name: .. jupyter-execute:: print("Number of curve_data artifacts:", len(data.artifacts("curve_data"))) # retrieve by name and index curve_data_id = data.artifacts("curve_data")[0].artifact_id # retrieve by ID scatter_table = data.artifacts(curve_data_id).data print("The first curve_data artifact:\n") scatter_table.dataframe In composite experiments, artifacts behave like analysis results and figures in that if ``flatten_results`` isn't ``True``, they are accessible in the :meth:`.artifacts` method of each :meth:`.child_data`. The artifacts in a large composite experiment with ``flatten_results=True`` can be distinguished from each other using the :attr:`~.ArtifactData.experiment` and :attr:`~.ArtifactData.device_components` attributes. One useful pattern is to load raw or fitted data from ``curve_data`` for further data manipulation. You can work with the dataframe using standard pandas dataframe methods or the built-in :class:`.ScatterTable` methods: .. jupyter-execute:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt exp_type = data.artifacts(curve_data_id).experiment component = data.artifacts(curve_data_id).device_components[0] raw_data = scatter_table.filter(category="raw") fitted_data = scatter_table.filter(category="fitted") # visualize the data plt.figure() plt.errorbar(raw_data.x, raw_data.y, yerr=raw_data.y_err, capsize=5, label="raw data") plt.errorbar(fitted_data.x, fitted_data.y, yerr=fitted_data.y_err, capsize=5, label="fitted data") plt.title(f"{exp_type} experiment on {component}") plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.legend() Adding artifacts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can add arbitrary data as an artifact as long as it's serializable with :class:`.ExperimentEncoder`, which extends Python's default JSON serialization with support for other data types commonly used with Qiskit Experiments. .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit_experiments.framework import ArtifactData new_artifact = ArtifactData(name="experiment_notes", data={"content": "Testing some new ideas."}) data.add_artifacts(new_artifact) data.artifacts("experiment_notes") .. jupyter-execute:: print(data.artifacts("experiment_notes").data) Saving and loading artifacts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This feature is only for those who have access to the cloud service. You can check whether you do by logging into the IBM Quantum interface and seeing if you can see the `database `__. Artifacts are saved and loaded to and from the cloud service along with the rest of the :class:`ExperimentData` object. Artifacts are stored as ``.zip`` files in the cloud service grouped by the artifact name. For example, the composite experiment above will generate two artifact files, ```` and ````. Each of these zipfiles will contain serialized artifact data in JSON format named by their unique artifact ID: .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: print("") print(f"|- {data.artifacts('fit_summary')[0].artifact_id}.json") print(f"|- {data.artifacts('fit_summary')[1].artifact_id}.json") print("") print(f"|- {data.artifacts('curve_data')[0].artifact_id}.json") print(f"|- {data.artifacts('curve_data')[1].artifact_id}.json") print("") print(f"|- {data.artifacts('experiment_notes').artifact_id}.json") Note that for performance reasons, the auto save feature does not apply to artifacts. You must still call :meth:`` once the experiment analysis has completed to upload artifacts to the cloud service. Note also though individual artifacts can be deleted, currently artifact files cannot be removed from the cloud service. Instead, you can delete all artifacts of that name using :meth:`~.delete_artifact` and then call :meth:``. This will save an empty file to the service, and the loaded experiment data will not contain these artifacts. See Also -------- * :ref:`Curve Analysis: Data management with scatter table ` tutorial * :class:`.ArtifactData` API documentation * :class:`.ScatterTable` API documentation * :class:`.CurveFitResult` API documentation